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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.

xx   CLAMP

Tip on using a wooden handscrew to open a tight joint after a trial fit.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #39 Jul-Aug 1994 pg. 18

Tip shows how to use a pipe clamp as a spreader for disassembly of a large project.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #67 Aug 1998 pg. 30

Joint popper reverse bar clamp. How to make a device to use when disassembling delicate furniture joints without any hammering.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #378 May 1997 (v.47#5) pg. 24

Tip on converting Quick-Clamps so that they will push things apart rather than draw them together.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #126 Oct-Nov 1999 pg. 36

Furniture disassembly jack for breaking reluctant joints.
FINE WOODWORKING #88 May-Jun 1991 pg. 24

Convert a pipe clamp into a "disassembly clamp" that will exert enough force to pry furniture pieces apart.
FINE WOODWORKING #108 Sep-Oct 1994 pg. 20

Make a spreader bar from a large turnbuckle to facilitate the disassembly of furniture joints.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #83 Mar 1995 (v.14#5) pg. 12

Tip on reversing the tail and head pieces on a pipe clamp and using it to force open a glue joint.
WOODSMITH #86 Apr 1993 (v.15) pg. 4

Tip on using a pipe clamp as a spreader to open-up joints.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1993 (v.17#2) pg. 10